Supporting Our Local Hospital Heroes
Supporting Our Local Hospital Heroes

During these difficult times, as our lives have become more accustomed to staying at home, watching Netflix, and breaking out old board games to play with our family, another group of people are on the front lines of the deadly Coronavirus - hospital workers and first responders. 

While Federal and State Governments scramble for ways to help ensure that hospitals and other medical facilities have the supplies and resources needed to keep up safe as a growing number of people catch the virus; more needs to be done and we all must try to do our part. 

You’ve probably seen major companies, celebrities, and even fashion designers from all over the world stepping up to produce more ventilators and desperately needed masks; many have donated enormous amounts of funding. This is a great start, but with experts predicting that we have yet to hit the virus’  peak, further support is definitely needed. 

We at Twillory have joined with our community to contribute in our own small way. We have partnered with a local hospital (Mount Sinai South Nassau Hospital) to “support our local hospital heroes.” – since we ourselves can’t be on the front lines.

This past week (April 8) a total of 250 plastic FaceShields, purchased from one of our community merchants were delivered for the hospital staff, both medical and support; more will be on the way soon.

In addition, beginning April 18th, lunches / dinners for whole departments  will be sent to the hospital multiple times each week to provide staff members’ dietary needs - this includes medical, janitorial, and hospital administrative personnel.

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So how can you help others during this Coronavirus crisis? Here are six ways to help:

Donate Medical Supplies

As we talked about earlier in this blog post, hospitals are in desperate need of items like ventilators and masks for those on the front line. Have a ventilator lying around the house? Perhaps you have a gift of sewing and can make a dozen masks and donate them to your local hospital (there are even free patterns to be found online!). With so many hospitals seeing shortages, every little bit helps. 

Volunteer With Meals On Wheels

Meals on Wheels is a program that delivers meals to older people who can’t leave their homes. Demand has grown substantially because of the outbreak.  Individuals over 65 are especially susceptible and vulnerable to the novel coronavirus. Health officials around the country are recommending that seniors take extra precautions including not leaving their homes. Many Meals on Wheels chapters around the country are seeking healthy physically fit volunteers who can be on call to make deliveries to seniors during the coronavirus outbreak. If you're not looking to leave your home, some chapters also keep in touch with the elderly community through special telephone programs.  

Donate To A Local Charity Or Non-Profit

With times getting tough for most people, donations are down for charitable organizations that desperately count on said donations to survive. If you have some extra cash, consider making a donation to a local charity or a non-profit in your area. Most donations are tax-deductible and even a small donation can go a long way. 

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Support A Local Food Bank Or Shelter

Many food banks and shelters that count on donations from retail groceries are struggling to keep shelves stocked due to the increased traffic in grocery stores. With students not receiving multiple fresh meals at school due to school closings, many of these food banks are pivotal for families to survive. Check with your local food bank to see how you can help and what items are needed most. 

Donate Blood

Donation of blood and platelets is needed now more than ever. Earlier this month the American Red Cross made an urgent plea for healthy individuals to donate blood. Check with your local Red Cross to find out where you can make a donation. Of course, keep eligibility and safety requirements in mind.

Support A Local Business

With most states having stay-at-home orders in place, small businesses are being hit especially hard during this coronavirus crisis. Many businesses such as restaurants are offering take-out or delivery options to keep business going. Consider ordering take-out or delivery for your next meal and support your favorite local restaurant.

Times are tough, there is no doubt about it. If we all work together we can get through this and come out even better on the other side. We all can do our part even in a small way.

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